
The Unexpected Blessing


Why is Joey smiling so big and who’s car is that he’s sitting on!?!?

I am So glad you asked!

A friend of ours just recently bought himself a new vehicle and needed to get rid of his old one.

To be honest, I don’t know all of the details, but I do know that he asked my husband if he knew anyone in our church (preferably a young man) that he could bless. After some thought and prayer, my hubby told him about Joey.

It all went down last night after church.

And let me tell you, it was the most awesome thing to not only be a part of, but to also witness!

So after we had dinner, our friend asked Joey for a ride home. Joey slowly responded with, “Yeah….. I have an extra bus pass.”

He had no idea what was happening! It was great!

As we walked outside of the restaurant, he hands Joey the keys to his car!

He’s speechless!




God is so faithful in showing Himself real to us. He blesses us when we least expect it and sometimes from a complete stranger!

Now all Joey has to do is learn to drive standard… and bless someone with all his extra bus passes!!!

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.”  Matthew 6:33

Do you have any stories of God providing for you or someone you know in a miraculous way?

Leave a comment, I’d love to hear about it!

4 thoughts on “The Unexpected Blessing”

  1. I remember along time ago some people in the church pitched in and bought a single mom a car. It was so touching and awesome to be apart of. To this day she doesn’t know who all pitched in. Now she’s married and her hubby has a calling on his life.


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