
A Cherished Moment

Summer is here! And if you live in Texas, you know what that means…Long, hot, humid days! The kind of hot that not even swimming will get you to wanna leave your wonderfully air conditioned home…at least for me anyway. 

I mean seriously,  what’s the point in swimming when the sun is shining SO bright that you’re sweating in the water? OR what about the fact that, your feet WILL burn just walking to get into the pool because the concrete floor is scorching hot?  Have I made my point? Have you figured out yet that I do not take pleasure in going swimming under the Texas sun…especially in the middle of the day, when the heat is at it’s peak?

Okay, so now that you know how much I LOVE going swimming mid-day…in Texas, how do you think I responded to my kids yesterday when they asked in the most sweetest way possible,

“Mom, can you take us swimming?”

My response, “Not now, MAYBE later.”

Another words….NEVERRRRR! Lol I guess they somehow knew that it wasn’t gonna happen, so they didn’t beg me to take them…not right away. A little later, they came back with 2 of their friends alongside them asking again. My response was the same, maybe later. They asked again, this time…they won. You should’ve seen the looks on each of their faces! A mixture of shock and joy…it was great! They scrambled around to get what they needed and we were on our way. 

My plan was to just sit back, relax (at least try to), read my book, and get this over with.  Because we all know, I did not want to be out there in the heat!!!

But something supernatural happened while I was sitting on that white lounge chair near the pool.  I was reading my book when I suddenly looked up and saw my 3 growing kids having the time of their lives! Time froze for a moment, and my mind went back to each of them as babies, then toddlers, losing their teeth, learning to ride their bikes, first days of school…

It was as if God was showing me how fast time goes by and to enjoy every minute I have with them, and to make as many memories as possible, while they’re still young. 

I was then brought back to reality with laughter and happy screams from my 3 little munchkins.  For the rest of our time at the pool, I sat there watching them jumping in & out of the water, laughing & screaming,  making friends, and having an incredible time together! Seizing the moment.  Holding it close to my heart.

What a joy!

Two hours later, as we were leaving, I noticed that something inside of me felt different.  The only word I can think of is blessed. I was blessed to see my kids so happy and content over something so simple like mom taking them swimming.  Another thing I noticed was, the whole time we were out there, there was NO sun AT ALL! I’m serious, NO SUN! The sky was overcast and there was a nice breeze!  Still hot but who’s complaining…not this girl!  Can you say, “HALLELUJAH!!”

I guess God hooked me up with weather I can tolerate for taking these kiddos swimming! 





