
Life As I Know It

Wow…time sure has been picking up speed lately!

It seems that Life for us has been an adventure lately. We’ve done quite a bit of traveling, which has been fun, but I have to admit, I love being in the comfort of my home. Continue reading “Life As I Know It”


Leaving Chinle, Day 4

We woke up early Monday morning to go site see at the Canyon before we headed out to Prescott. This wasn’t my first time seeing the Canyon, but my goodness, I’m always in awe of the beauty of God’s masterpiece.

Let me introduce to you a small glimpse of Canyon de Chelly in Chinle, AZ …












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On the Road to Chinle, Day 3

January 10, 2016

Sunday was our final day in Chinle. Jeremiah preached at one of the baby churches in Kayenta, while the rest of us stayed in Chinle to hear their guest preacher from Alaska, Pastor Overson.

I wasn’t able to  take any pictures for that service because my smart phone wasn’t acting very smart.

The sermon was so simple yet so profound. It was on God’s love. Pastor Overson was on fire while he was preaching!  By looking at him, you wouldn’t think he’d bpreach like that,  by oh my word. ..he was anointed and passionate and all over the place! I was immensely blessed by his word. I heard the last 5-10 minutes of Pastor Aragon’s Sunday School and I was ready for the altar call!  Talk about rich ministry!  Oh!  And the Chinle choir did special music and TORE IT UP!


This is me, Claire, and Michelle from the Chinle church.

In between services we ate at a sister from the church’s house and she hooked us up with some home made fried chicken,  mashed potatoes,  broccoli salad,  homes made dinner rolls, and homemade apple & cherry pies! Are you drooling yet!?! I was so excited to eat I forgot to take a picture of my deliciousness. But I did get a picture of the fellowship.


The people on the right are from Pastor Overson’s church in Alaska.

After we fellowshipped, we were on the road again with Jeremiah to preach at a different baby church about an hour out in Fort Defiance. Claire did special music and Jeremiah preached his heart out.







After service we all went to a lady’s house to pray over it and eat some homemade Navajo Tacos! If you ever go to the Navajo Nation, you have to try them!  So so delish!


        Praying over Jennifer’s house.


    I love everything about this picture!


                       Navajo Taco.


The older lady to the left and her husband would drive to the Chinle church for 10 years faithfully, until they finally opened the church their in  Fort Defiance! Whaaaaat!? I know, convicting! 

That’s it for now, but I’ll leave you with a picture of what we did today before we left Chinle.  It’s gonna take your breathe away…I promise. …


…Told ya….

Tomorrow I’ll blog about today’s adventure. Cya then!  


On the Road to Chinle, Day 2


Saturday, January 9, 2016

This was my view when I woke up this morning.  To you, it may not mean much, but to me it was a reminder of where we’re at…Chinle, our home away from home!  Jeremiah had his first taste of our fellowship here when he was a crazy15 year old teenager, with his hair pulled back in a point tail wearing a purple bandana. (Yes, you read that right! ) Hold up, Wait! What am I talking about when he WAS crazy,  he still IS crazy!! There isn’t much here in Chinle, but we come every chance we get…and we never, ever regret it.

Today Pastor Artie took us and 5 folks from our Alaska church on a tour to Monument Valley,  Utah.  All of us except our 3 teenage boys, they went hunting with some other Rez guys. And from what I hear, they had a blast, which doesn’t surprise me one bit! 
Anyways, the drive to Monument Valley was about an hour and a half…not too bad.  Pastor Overson from Alaska showed us lots of pictures from there and told us some pretty cool stories, too.

When we finally got to Our destination, we were all blown away at what we saw…God’s amazing creation! I can’t even describe to you the detail in every single rock, every crevice,  or even the stories behind them. To know that God, in His awesomeness, spoke all of this into existence is mind blowing.  He spoke this into existence, who wouldn’t want to serve a God that could do that!?

I’ll show you what I mean…








Everything about these pictures are just absolutely beautiful.



I think it was about 20 degrees or so when we were there. Some areas were covered in snow, while others only had a few patches here and there. Then you had the areas where it was just plain ‘ol muddy! And you better believe it when I say the muddy parts seemed to be the most attractive to the kids when there wasn’t any snow around!  WHY???? Well, I guess they wouldn’t be kids If they didn’t purposely step on the mud,hu?


Here’s a pic of the 4 of us.  We were trying to look cute but man it was too cold and windy.  There was no time for cuteness, just hurry up and take the picture already! 

I love road trips,  especially with friends.  There’s just something about it that adds to the adventure. It gives the trip a little more meaning. I’m pretty sure when we’re back at home looking back on this weekend, we’re all gonna have a different experience or a story to share. But the one thing I’m sure we’re all gonna agree on is that our friendships got a little stronger, the memories that we’ve made will be unforgettable, and that we all experienced a touch of God in some way or another.

And that’s just from our time here in Chinle. We still have a whole week of conference to go to!

Stay tuned for Day 3…


On the Road to Chinle, Day 1

Yesterday at midnight our 13 person caravan took off for a 16 hour road trip to Chinle,AZ…yes, we are CRAZY! You would think that with  that many people, 3 of them kids, something would go wrong, but surprisingly enough everything went really well.  In my carload,  i was the only girl with with 5 guys. So you can imagine that there was a little bit of “strange fire” Up in there!  Lol  But for the most part,  they were gentlemen. 


Sometime around 3 am, I took over the driving.  The only way I was gonna be able to pull that off is if I listened to a book.  So I downloaded an audio book from Lynn Austin, God’s and Kings,the first book from her Chronicles of the Kings series,  which I highly recommend!  That book helped me stay wide awake for a good 3 hours…until out of nowhere I started seeing flying  dinosaurs! I was so tired I started seeing things!  Just close your eyes, and imagine me driving down a long, dark country road somewhere in the middle of Texas. I’m sitting there gripping the steering wheel, focused on the road, with an intense look on my face as I’m listening to the audio book, when all of a sudden, I look over because something catches my attention. I did a double take because that’s how convincing the image was, of a flying dinosaur!  It was a sight to see, that’s for sure!



Once we finally got out of Texas, which felt like FOR-EVER, the temperature dropped, the scenery was incredible, and the snow began to fall!  It was so beautiful, especially once we were a couple of hours from Chinle. The roads were a little more narrow, and that snow was coming down! 




We finally made it to Chinle at about 5 pm yesterday, checked in the hotel and had a quick dinner with Pastor Artie and Sandra.






Tomorrow I’ll blog about what we did today!