
Being Thankful: Day 3 India

Today’s post on being thankful is dedicated to the beautiful country of India! I honestly don’t even know where to start with this one, because I have a long list of things. Ok, I’ll start with my phobias that I’ve had to overcome while being here.

Phobia #1: Large bodies of water. I’m not afraid of water, but I do not feel comfortable being surrounded by large bodies of water or driving on bridges that go over water. I’m not much of a swimmer, but I especially do not like getting in water if I can’t see the bottom. Being in Kochi for the past couple of years has forced me to get over that phobia real quick, because we are surrounded by water! In our first apartment, we could literally see The Arabian Sea from our window. I eventually learned to appreciate the view, and the few bridges that we’ve had to cross haven’t been too bad.

Phobia #2: Head lice. First let me start off by saying, if I see someone with lice, I immediately want to start checking their head and cleaning it out. I know, I know, gross and weird, but whatever. Lol But it’s also a phobia of mine bc for some strange reason, they love my head, and if I’m in the same room with someone who has them, chance are very high that i will walk away from that visit with an unwelcomed guest, even if I didn’t go near that person! India is a very crowded place, So for the first few months of us being here, I saw so many girls with head lice! We’d be squished in an elevator at the mall, and I’m standing next to a girl who’s got them. And I’ll just lock eyes with jeremiah and give him a look of terror. (He would laugh!) Honestly, I haven’t figured out why so many ppl here have them. I’m guessing maybe bc it’s so hot and humid, I’m not sure. Just in case you’re wondering, because I know you are, yes, I’ve gotten them a couple of times over here. And yes, I panicked like crazy, and was obsessed with picking my head like a monkey, and I smelled like vinegar for weeks bc even though I was lice free after a couple of days, I still treated my hair bc just in case… You never know! This phobia might have been a little TMI, but hey, this is real stuff,man! Lol Is your head starting to itch by hearing me talk about it??? Lol Mine is!! Hahaha PS. We don’t get in elevators anymore!

Phobia #3: Rats. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a deep hatred for any type of rodent or anything that looks like one, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, etc…ugh. India has rats in all shapes, sizes, colors, and they’re isn’t a shortage of these creatures I’m so grateful that it’s not so bad in Kochi. Don’t get me wrong, they’re there. I’ve seen my share of rats and I get grossed out every single time. Here’s a funny story for you… We were at a small shop looking for ethnic wear with some friends. I was walking towards the back to try a dress on, and I stepped on something squishy. I didn’t think anything of it and kept walking. Well, something told me to look back and see what it was, and it was a mouse!!!! It was army crawling to the other side of the store. I screamed so loud, that people from the downstairs shop and people from outside came running up the stairs to see what was wrong. Oh. My. Goodness. I was so freaked out, I didn’t care that they laughed, all I know is I wanted out of there… Forget the dress! Lol Well… This one I haven’t quite overcome yet. I’m still working on it.

So yes, India has helped me overcome and work through these phobias, and for that, I am grateful.

India has also shown me that there is a lot that I can live without. For instance, we haven’t had a dryer the whole time we’ve been here. We have to hang our clothes on a dryer rack, and it’s no problem at all. We just got a small convection oven, but I lived 2 years without an oven. We managed by making no bake desserts, if we had a sweet tooth. I’ve learned to make so many different foods from scratch because they don’t offer them here, or if they do, it’s so expensive. Now, we all know that I’m no Betty Crocker, nor have I ever been. Me and the kitchen have a love-hate relationship, mostly hate. However, I’ve been shocking myself with the things I’ve been making from scratch, and they actually come out tasting pretty good! It may not look good, but it tastes good and that’s all that matters… Right!?! So today, I made homemade pumpkin puree for pumpkin pie tomorrow. Jeremiah went to the butcher and got us a ham that I’m gonna have to clean and season all by myself. There’s no fully cooked spiral cut honey glazed hams here. I’m nervous as heck about having to make that! Jordyn and I have been on a gluten free diet bc of some medical issues we were having, so we’ve been looking up different Gluten free recipes and our Thanksgiving pies will be gluten free! Had we been in America, I know for a fact we would’ve just gone to the store to buy ready made gluten free stuff. Well, it’s not very common here, so it is hard to find anything without gluten here in South India.

I’ve learned to be thankful for every single inconvenience that I’ve come across. I make the best out of every situation, or at least try to. I’ve learned to appreciate the little things in life so much more. We weren’t able to go to my son’s wedding, and after i cried, I thought to myself, I am so grateful for Livestream. This wasn’t available some years back, but it is for me. India has also taught me to relax. It’s definitely a slower paced life for us compared to life in America. Except the driving, there’s nothing slow paced about the driving! Nothing. We’ve learned to appreciate eachother more, as a family. Our family has gotten so much closer. You would think bc we’re always together we’d get tired of eachother and start bickering. For the most part, It’s not like that… Well… Unless I’m the one who starts it! Lol

India has been so good to us as a family and individually. Every single one of us have gone beyond our comfort zone in some way. From learning the local language, to getting on a rick Shaw or Uber alone, trying new food, asking a local for directions, riding a scooter,… Whatever it may be, we have learned to live our lives in our new normal. I’m so grateful that I have changed so much while living India. I’m doing things that I never thought possible. Sometimes we’ll be driving and Jeremiah will say, “Can u believe we’re in the middle of India!?” It seriously doesn’t seem real, And I almost forgot what life was like in America.

India will forever be etched in our hearts. It is in India where I found out what it’s really like to trust God. It is in India where I realized that I needed a deeper relationship with God. It is in India where my family got stronger. You know, it’s a beautiful thing when you have nothing or no one else to rely on, but God. He is so good and so faithful, and I have definitely felt God the most, here in India.

What an honor and a joy it is to be here learning and living outside of our comfort zone.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7

Life, Uncategorized

Being Thankful: Days 1 & 2

Day 1: Thankful for my Friends

I’d like to take time to tell all of my friends, new and old, that I am very thankful for you. Your prayers and investment in my family do not go unnoticed. I am so grateful to have you in my life. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do and be where we are if it wasn’t for you. Praying and thinking of you all, especially during this week of Thanksgiving.

Day 2: Thankful for my family


Season’s Change

Can you believe that we are a week and a half away from the first day of Fall? 12 days to be exact, but who’s counting, right?! 🙂 Who else is as excited as I am? I have to be honest here, I love everything about Fall. The cool weather, the leaves falling, the football games, Pumpkin Spice Latte’s, scarves, beanies, boots, and bulky sweater’s.


Okay, okay, I’ll stop!  

Anyways, my whole point is that we’re already entering into that season,  and i can’t wait!

During the summer, we had a number of changes that happened.

First, early on in the summer the 3 boys that we had been taking care for the past year, moved back with their mom. That was quite an adjustment for all of us. We dealt with all kinds of different emotions and had a plethora of questions, but we placed our trust and the boy’s lives, in the hands of God.


Another milestone that snuck up on us, was that my baby girl turned 13! I know, I know, I can hardly believe it myself. All she wanted for her birthday was to go to a Boomin by the Bay Concert in Houston to see KB and Blanca perform. Even though money was tight, we made a way to take her and 3 of her friends to the concert. We planned for it to be our family of 5 and 2 of her friends. But we had a change of plans and before you know it, 3 of her friends joined us, plus 2 of the 3 boys we were caring for. Yeah, I know we’re crazy! But let me show you how much fun we had!


Getting ready for the show!


Autograph and picture with Blanca!


Autograph and picture with KB!


Waiting in line to ride the Carousel!


Roller skating with dad!


Group picture at the Roller Rink!



I still can’t believe she’s 13… She’s changing and growing so much… Sigh.

Another cool summer memory was going swimming at a lake some where outside of San Antonio. We went with some family & friends and had WAY too much fun!


The bridge doesn’t look that high to jump off, right? Well, it looks and feels a whole lot higher when your actually standing on it ready to jump! Let’s just say, it took a certain someone a VERY long time to finally jump and when she did, she got a standing ovation and an award for being an over comer!  Not really, but everyone was cheering and probably were happy that I finally jumped so they can get on with their lives! Lol

During all this, I have a cousin who had a baby boy in June with a very rare heart defect.  We had already agreed that I would be secondary care giver to him once they got released, and that they would move in with us, but until then she & I both had to get trained on how to care for him outside of the hospital. At first, I was scared out of my mind, because this is way out of my comfort zone. But I have to always remember that God would help us through this season of our lives. The baby stayed in the hospital until a few days before he turned 2 months old.  Then they moved in. Life has consisted of calculating how many ML’s he drank by mouth and then by ng tube, Dr’s appointment’s, many nurse calls, daily checks of his oxygen levels and weight, giving his meds on time & correctly etc. 

With his heart condition being so rare, he’s been hanging out at the Children’s Hospital this past week until they see some more growth in his weight. Please keep my Little Peanut and his mama in your prayers.

This is definitely one of those season’s in life that we’d rather not be in, but we know there’s no other way around it but to go through it. And we hold on tight to our Father in Heaven, who we lean on for strength and comfort when we’re feeling like we can’t take any more change.


All this to say, the season’s of our lives change continuously.  Just like I’m so ready for Summer to end and preparing for Fall to be here, we have to be ready and be prepared for when life changes from one season to another.




Where has the time gone!?!  I can hardly believe that in just one month so much has happened.

If I could describe how the month of June was for me in one word it would be: Learning.

Learning to coupon:
Like I mentioned in my last blog, I’ve been doing a little couponing… And I love it!

Learning to cook for 5 kids:
Yes, I said 5 kids!
We took in 2 brothers for the summer; ages 14&12 and let me tell you, I’ve learned so much about myself through these guys. One thing is that I’ve had to expand my cooking skills, which is not the easiest thing for me… I’m no Betty Crocker, that’s for sure! But Last week I made homemade Beef Stroganoff and it came out A.MAZ.ING!!!! I’ve had to start planning our meals out for the week, which I’m starting to really like!


                     Beef Stroganoff!!


            First night having 5 kids!

Learning to relax a little and enjoy the little things:
This was a tough one for me to do because I can be a bit OCD with certain things like keeping up with the laundry, dishes, and especially always having my living room spic&span clean.  I noticed that I was becoming very overwhelmed and stressed because things didn’t look exactly the way I like it. Then one day I saw a quote that really was an eye opener to me.

“No one ever looked back at the end of their life and wished their house had been cleaner.”


Learning to modify:
So from that moment I decided to take a deep breath and just relax. It’s okay if I have a pile of laundry waiting to be folded & put away. It’s okay if there are a few dishes in the sink. It’s okay if there’s a stack of books on the coffee table. It’s all gonna get done eventually and I’m okay with that!

We’ve created chores so they can all help with keeping the house decent. Every one is responsible for washing  any dish that they use during the day to prevent “dirty dish over load”, which is a major No No to me! And they each switch off every night washing the dinner dishes.

As long as my kitchen & living room are cleaned up by the end of the day, I’m a happy mommy!

In the middle of all this learning, my hubby comes down with a bad case of shingles! So not only am I adjusting to having 2 more kids to care for, I’m tending to his needs. I will confess, it was a bit stressful and for a moment I didn’t think I could do it, but I thank God that He is my strength in my time of weakness. He is my helper, my comforter.


                Memorizing Scripture

We really enjoy having these boys here with us. They’re our son’s and we love them very much. I know I speak for all of us when I say, they have a special place in each of our hearts.


If you have any advice please leave a comment!! 


Memory Making

On Wednesday we had our first homeschool field trip of the year.  My sister-in-law, her 3 crazy girls and her sweet mommy-in-law joined me and my 2 crazy kids and  went to Sea World! It was a homeschool special, and for $4…..and FREE parking, we got to go see a couple of shows and some animal exhibits. Not bad. 


          Cousins having fun being silly.



They had such a great time learning about dolphins, beluga whales, and sea lions.  We even got a cameo from a Macaw family.


         Why, hello there Mr. Dolphin!


            Love this picture of my boy!


        Hey, Madi….can u keep a secret?


What I enjoyed most about this trip was watching the kids having fun together and making memories. 


                        Best cousins


                    Enjoying the view!


            Alligators basking in the sun.


                    Strike a pose!




One last pose before we head home….
…………….I spy Jeremiah!
              (Can you find him?)


December 2012

December was a month of trials & testing. It started off that way & it ended that way. The engine in our only vehicle died out. Two weeks later we bought another car cash. The next day we get in an accident…in our NEW vehicle! The day after that our daughter falls & busts her chin open. Talk about wanting to crawl in a hole and just cry! But wait, the trials didn’t stop there for us…there’s more. We had about a week where things were quiet around here but then we got that dreadful phone call. The call that no one ever wants to receive but isn’t  exempt from. Our Pastor of over 15 years died unexpectedly.  He was more than a Pastor to us. He was a father, a friend. Somehow we managed to get through our Sunday morning service and drove to Austin for their evening service because they were having a Memorial Service in honor of our him. (Which was amazing). That night we stayed at my sister-in-law’s house and our car got broken into! Someone stole over $400 in cash that my hubby forgot to take out of the glove box! At this point, we were emotionally,  mentally & spiritually wasted! We couldn’t see straight much less think straight. How do you consider it all joy when you’re faced with trials? I wanted to run we did! But not the kind of running away you’re thinking of! 🙂 For the next 2 days we stayed at a friend’s Ranch 2 hours from Austin. (I’ll blog about that trip next time!) We needed peace & quiet. We needed to see & think clear. We needed God more than anything. And that is EXACTLY what we got! Our kids had a blast riding horses, feeding the animals & going four wheeling. We were able to slow down from the craziness of life and relax. We took our eyes off of our trials and put them on Jesus. It was wonderful. My husband & I were able to get a hold of God w/out any distractions.  God told us,”No matter where you are, I will help you.” That was all we needed to hear!  God will help us. When it was time for our departure from the ranch, we felt spirituality,  mentally,  & emotionally stronger. So how do you consider it all joy when you’re faced with trials? Just remember that God is with you. He will help you. But you have to seek Him even if it means going 2 hours away from all the chaos  just to hear His voice!

“Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds.” James 1:2

“You will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:12-13

December pics…Still making memories!


             My 34th Birthday Fellowship!


                        Our dog, Oreo.




         Family picture!  Kinda dark..oops!


                  Ice skating in Austin.


                     Echo Creek Ranch.


              That is EXACTLY what I found!