
To Whom It May Concern,

Sexual sin has been exposed. My heart is saddened at the people that it has latched itself to. The families that it is destroying is heartbreaking. This spirit is nothing you want to mess around with.

It’s vicious. It spreads like wild fire.
It’s a family breaker, a purity taker, and a robber of all joy.

Continue reading “To Whom It May Concern,”

Book reviews

Redeeming Love


What’s your favorite love story?

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve read this book at least once a year for the past 5 or 6 years and I’ve got something different out of it every single time.

That’s how good it is!

I’ve come to know Angel, the main character, quite well. And I seem to relate to her in more ways than I’d like to admit.

This allegory of the book of Hosea, is set back in the 1800’s. Before you even get to chapter 1, you experience a gut wrenching description of 8 year old Sarah being initiated into the life of a prostitute.  From then on her name is Angel.

Though Angel is meant to be Gomer in the bible, it pains me how much I see myself in her. I never was a prostitute, but I know what it feels like to feel rejection from your father. I know what it feels like to be used by guys. I know what it feels like to feel dirty. I also know what it feels like to think that there is absolutely no hope for you.


I’ve felt all those things before and AFTER salvation.

Gasp! Did I just say I’ve felt that way AFTER salvation!?!?

Yes, I did!

Like Angel, I was pulled out of a life of sin and perversion and lust. I grew up in a broken home. My father left when my mom was pregnant with me and as early as I can remember I was very insecure.

Always scared. Always sad.
Always searching.

Before you know it, I went searching for love. Since it didn’t come to me, I would go to it. I would hope & pray that maybe this relationship would work, but it never did.

Until one day, I gave my life to Jesus! He was what I was searching for. He was everything I needed.

After some time my now husband asked me on a date.

I was flabbergasted… And flattered!

Why would a guy like that want to date a used up girl like me!?!?! He obviously must be mistaken. (Angel felt the same way when Michael Hosea was pursuing her.)


We dated clean. We didn’t kiss, hug,  hold hands… Nothing, until that beautiful day we said, I do!

But deep down inside, I still struggled with my past. Not that I wanted to go back to it, that wasn’t it at all. It was more like, how can this man and God love me knowing what I’ve done?

But God used my husband to show me what it truly meant to be loved and to show me how to love. He was so gentle and patient and loving and forgiving.

He could’ve threw his hands up in the air and gave up on us, but he didn’t.

He chose to love me… Because love is a choice.

I fought my husband’s love and God’s love for quite a few years, actually. It was like I had this voice in my head filling me with lies, which I know now was Satan, the father of All lies. In my head, I knew I was forgiven, but not in my heart. I was a prisoner to my past and I needed to be set free, but that meant really trusting Jesus with my whole life and my whole heart.

Not just verbally saying that I trusted Him, but actually meaning it.

At some point, I came to a crossroad in my life where I was either gonna fully trust and believe God or not.

I surrendered.

I let go of the guilt and shame and the bitterness and resentment.

I gave every single piece of my broken heart to God and repented.


He forgave me. He redeemed me. He set me free.

I cherish mine and my husband’s love story, but my most favoritest love story ever is with Jesus, my Lord & Savior, my Redeemer, the Lover of my soul.

What’s your favorite love story?

I’m attaching an awesome song by Big Daddy Weave called, “Redeemed.” 

If you’ve not had a chance to read Redeeming Love, then you definitely have to. You’ll be blessed by it. Don’t forget to have plenty of tissue handy because you WILL need some!