
Just being real


Let’s be real here people.  We all have days like this and today happens to be mine. And really, it hasn’t even been my whole day, just the last 2 hours.

Isn’t it crazy how 2 hours (and 1kid) can make you feel like this awesome picture!?!?

You know when you have that one child who just isn’t getting it and you’re trying so hard to be patient and you’re pouring your heart out trying to find a solution to the problem and then you see your precious child that the Lord so graciously blessed you with is not paying attention to a word you just said and then it happens…

Everything that you were trying so hard to control just went out the door and you lose it!?!

Has that ever happened to you?

Don’t lie.

It happened to me today.. Just a while ago actually.

You know, being a stay at home mama and/or a home school mama isn’t for the faint hearted. With that, comes the occasional bad day or for me a frustrating 2 hours.

It does not define who you are as a wife or a mother.

It does not change the fact that this is what God has called you to do.

It does not mean to give up and quit.

It’s just a bad day. That’s it.

Do you wanna know what the end result of my bad/frustrating 2 hours was?

You ready?

I sent them on their merry way OUTSIDE to play!

I figured since it’s such a gorgeous day in my neck of the woods, why not?!

They stopped what they were doing, tidied up a bit, and went outside.

Not only is that good for them, but it’s also good for me!

Now I can enjoy a little bit of peace & quiet while I get dinner going.

(I’m making tuna casserole, just in case you were wondering.)



Last night at about 1 am, I woke up to the sound of a crying boy.

My son.

“Mommy, I threw up… all over my bed.”

I wanted to cry.

One thing you must know about me is that, I have a weak stomach. I have NEVER cleaned up after any of my 3 kids if they were ever sick with “the bug.” I would just cover the area up with something and stay as far away from it as possible and wait till my hubby got home so he can clean it up…..Don’t judge!

Anyways, back to last night….

I told him to come lay in bed with me and I’ll deal with cleaning it up tomorrow. Gross, I know.

Well, an hour or so went by and he got sick again! This time all over MY bed!


As he was in my bathroom washing up, I just rolled all the blankets & sheets sheets together, threw them in the laundry room and left it at that because I really did Not want to clean this up now. I’ll do it tomorrow.

I went upstairs to get more sheets and I wasn’t even half way up when the aroma stopped me in my tracks!!!

I almost cried.

Needless to say, I spent the next hour cleaning up the mess in his room, desperately praying that I can keep myself together.  I didn’t even wash his sheets… I threw those suckers away… Because… AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FA DAT!!  He wasn’t lying when he said he got it all over his bed either!

Thankfully, we made it through the rest of the night mess free!

My day consisted of: washing all the bedding, disinfecting my whole house, home schooling my 2 older kids, and tending to my sick boy who now has a fever.

Am I complaining? Not at all.

I am so grateful that I have a God I can call upon for peace in the midst of a somewhat crazy day.

I’m grateful for awesome kids who helped keep things going smoothly and took initiative with their schooling while I tended to their brother’s needs.

I could have easily freaked out and let this day get the best of me, but I chose to have joy. I chose to tackle this head on. I chose to put on my big girl “chonies” and deal with it. I chose to look at it with a positive perspective, which doesn’t come naturally for me. I tend to be more of the pessimist at times…Not proud.

Lastly, I’m so very grateful that I conquered this day without my stomach giving out on me! That is a MAJOR victory!

Besides, if this wouldn’t have happened, I wouldn’t have nice clean soft comfy sheets & blankets right now! (Hehe!)

My house is almost back to normal and I’m looking forward to an uneventful night.

Oh! If you’re wondering why my hubby didn’t help me with this, is BC he’s outta town. So I was forced to take care of it all by myself!  What a big girl I am!!!

He’ll be proud.

I think I passed the test, don’t u?!?!