
Season’s Change

Can you believe that we are a week and a half away from the first day of Fall? 12 days to be exact, but who’s counting, right?! 🙂 Who else is as excited as I am? I have to be honest here, I love everything about Fall. The cool weather, the leaves falling, the football games, Pumpkin Spice Latte’s, scarves, beanies, boots, and bulky sweater’s.


Okay, okay, I’ll stop!  

Anyways, my whole point is that we’re already entering into that season,  and i can’t wait!

During the summer, we had a number of changes that happened.

First, early on in the summer the 3 boys that we had been taking care for the past year, moved back with their mom. That was quite an adjustment for all of us. We dealt with all kinds of different emotions and had a plethora of questions, but we placed our trust and the boy’s lives, in the hands of God.


Another milestone that snuck up on us, was that my baby girl turned 13! I know, I know, I can hardly believe it myself. All she wanted for her birthday was to go to a Boomin by the Bay Concert in Houston to see KB and Blanca perform. Even though money was tight, we made a way to take her and 3 of her friends to the concert. We planned for it to be our family of 5 and 2 of her friends. But we had a change of plans and before you know it, 3 of her friends joined us, plus 2 of the 3 boys we were caring for. Yeah, I know we’re crazy! But let me show you how much fun we had!


Getting ready for the show!


Autograph and picture with Blanca!


Autograph and picture with KB!


Waiting in line to ride the Carousel!


Roller skating with dad!


Group picture at the Roller Rink!



I still can’t believe she’s 13… She’s changing and growing so much… Sigh.

Another cool summer memory was going swimming at a lake some where outside of San Antonio. We went with some family & friends and had WAY too much fun!


The bridge doesn’t look that high to jump off, right? Well, it looks and feels a whole lot higher when your actually standing on it ready to jump! Let’s just say, it took a certain someone a VERY long time to finally jump and when she did, she got a standing ovation and an award for being an over comer!  Not really, but everyone was cheering and probably were happy that I finally jumped so they can get on with their lives! Lol

During all this, I have a cousin who had a baby boy in June with a very rare heart defect.  We had already agreed that I would be secondary care giver to him once they got released, and that they would move in with us, but until then she & I both had to get trained on how to care for him outside of the hospital. At first, I was scared out of my mind, because this is way out of my comfort zone. But I have to always remember that God would help us through this season of our lives. The baby stayed in the hospital until a few days before he turned 2 months old.  Then they moved in. Life has consisted of calculating how many ML’s he drank by mouth and then by ng tube, Dr’s appointment’s, many nurse calls, daily checks of his oxygen levels and weight, giving his meds on time & correctly etc. 

With his heart condition being so rare, he’s been hanging out at the Children’s Hospital this past week until they see some more growth in his weight. Please keep my Little Peanut and his mama in your prayers.

This is definitely one of those season’s in life that we’d rather not be in, but we know there’s no other way around it but to go through it. And we hold on tight to our Father in Heaven, who we lean on for strength and comfort when we’re feeling like we can’t take any more change.


All this to say, the season’s of our lives change continuously.  Just like I’m so ready for Summer to end and preparing for Fall to be here, we have to be ready and be prepared for when life changes from one season to another.



Just being real


Let’s be real here people.  We all have days like this and today happens to be mine. And really, it hasn’t even been my whole day, just the last 2 hours.

Isn’t it crazy how 2 hours (and 1kid) can make you feel like this awesome picture!?!?

You know when you have that one child who just isn’t getting it and you’re trying so hard to be patient and you’re pouring your heart out trying to find a solution to the problem and then you see your precious child that the Lord so graciously blessed you with is not paying attention to a word you just said and then it happens…

Everything that you were trying so hard to control just went out the door and you lose it!?!

Has that ever happened to you?

Don’t lie.

It happened to me today.. Just a while ago actually.

You know, being a stay at home mama and/or a home school mama isn’t for the faint hearted. With that, comes the occasional bad day or for me a frustrating 2 hours.

It does not define who you are as a wife or a mother.

It does not change the fact that this is what God has called you to do.

It does not mean to give up and quit.

It’s just a bad day. That’s it.

Do you wanna know what the end result of my bad/frustrating 2 hours was?

You ready?

I sent them on their merry way OUTSIDE to play!

I figured since it’s such a gorgeous day in my neck of the woods, why not?!

They stopped what they were doing, tidied up a bit, and went outside.

Not only is that good for them, but it’s also good for me!

Now I can enjoy a little bit of peace & quiet while I get dinner going.

(I’m making tuna casserole, just in case you were wondering.)


The Ride

Life is full of twists and turns. This last month has been full of them for me. Wait!  Who am I kidding, my whole summer has been quite a ride. Full of ups & downs. Highs & low. Smiles & tears. Times when I thought I had things all figured out. Times when I thought I couldn’t make it. Even times when I thought I could conquer the world! But no matter what I’m going through or how I’m feeling, one thing I know is certain; My God never changes. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. He knows the number of hairs I have on my head, which is a lot because i have pretty thick hair. He see’s every tear that I cry. He knows my heart, my every thought and my every fear. And yet, He still loves me!

In everything that I’ve been through in my life and especially this summer, I know that God has always been there with me. Shaping & molding me into His perfect image.

Even though I’m still at a place of uncertainty, I know that God has everything under control. He knows exactly what He’s doing, in me & through me, and I put my trust in Him alone. His ways are not my ways and His plan is far better than anything I could ever imagine.

If you’re reading this, and you’re in a dark place in your life or maybe you’re at a crossroad, remember that Jesus Christ is YOUR Father and He hears your cries. He knows exactly where you’re at in life and what you’re going through.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6